Exit Interview Know-Hows

The beginning of the year usually marks the job hunting season. Are you one of those job hunters this time around?   

If you are planning to resign from your current job to pursue a different career path, you’ll likely to get invited for an exit interview or you can even initiate it yourself. This is to ensure that you’ll leave on good terms.

An exit interview, contrary to common belief among employees, is not your boss’ attempt to make a counteroffer or for you to complain why you hate the job (we hope it’s not the case). For employers, this procedure is necessary to understand the bottlenecks in the organizations that cause good people to quit.

Issues concerning workplace culture, day-to-day tasks, management style, and work ethics, etc. are some of the many factors that should be discussed during an exit interview.

You wouldn’t want to shut this door completely even if you have already been offered a new job. So take this chance to share the genuine feedback that will help maintain a positive relationship with your soon-to-be-ex-employer. Regardless of the reason for your departure, try to resist the temptation to vent your frustration.Here are the common exit interview questions that you can expect to answer to ensure a fair and thoughtful discussion throughout the session.

Why do you want to resign from your current position?

This will give your boss a clue of what pulled the trigger, whether it’s a particular situation that discouraged you or your overall job satisfaction. By explaining the experiences that affected your decision in detailed, you’ll help the company identify what needs to be done in order to retain employees as well as to attract the next talents.

Were you provided enough support to perform your job?

It is true that people only appreciate something when it’s gone, especially qualified employees who are often taken for granted. The management tends to overlook the obstacles that their top performers facing, as long as they deliver the work as expected. So this question aims to pinpoint the setbacks that wouldn’t be mentioned otherwise.

How was the relationship between you and your supervisor?

Here comes the awkward moment. Yes, you will be given a chance to review your boss at last. However, your feedback is supposed to mend the relationship if it was a bad one or to maintain a positive business relationship as you leave. Which means it’s important that you confront with him or her how their management style contributed to your working experience in the company.    

Related: Important Lessons That You Can Pick Up in the Corporate World

What did you like most about your role here (or about the company)?

It’s not about sugar-coating your employer after all the constructive criticism above, but you should at least show some appreciation for the good things that happened during your tenure. Even the simplest things like team activities, the rewarding projects that you’ve handled, or the chance to work with your favourite colleagues, etc. can help them to create a better employer brand.

What made you feel most frustrated?

Besides what’s already been mentioned previously, don’t be hesitate to bring to the table your dissatisfaction in other areas of work. Do think twice before you speak and always keep it professional. You may address the lack of collaboration among the team members, but not pointing out some certain colleagues who don’t do their jobs – trust that the management is able to observe everything.

What made you accept the new job offer?

While it’s not expected of you to share all the confidential information about your next venture, do provide your manager with relevant insights. Be it for a higher salary, or more suitable workplace culture, or even the company’s stability, this helps your current company to realize their shortcomings as opposed to the competitors.

What skills and qualifications do you suggest your successor should possess?

Give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done, because the employer wants to hire someone just like you to fill the position. By asking you this question, they essentially seek your advice on getting a qualified and suitable replacement. Chances are your responsibilities have evolved over the employment period, so it doesn’t make sense that the company advertises your position using the original job description. So review your own duty thoroughly and provide your manager with the right skill set required.

That’s it! You can either flip the table and go (and risk being given negative work endorsement) or go through an exit interview properly to have a happy ending.

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