You Have Received Your UPU Results. Next Steps?

You Have Received Your UPU Results. Next Steps?

The announcement of the UPU results always causes anxiety. Will it be the path you have…

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5 Tips for Asking for a Raise

Most people feel uncomfortable just thinking about asking their boss for a raise. If your company…

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How to Explain Your Resume Gaps

“Can you walk me through your resume?” will be asked in some form at least once…

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5 Soft Skills You Can Learn From Retail Job

When you work in retail, you do more than fold clothes. There are many different kinds…

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3 Ways to Answer “Why Do You Want This Job?” During Interview

This question, which seems simple, can be surprisingly hard to answer during an interview if you…

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9 Ways to Handle Difficult Employee

Almost every manager have at least one difficult employee. It as an almost inevitable part of…

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3 Reasons Millennials Love Job-Hopping

Millennials do job-hopping very often and it is worrying employers. People think they can’t focus because…

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5 Tips To Make Hybrid Work Less Stressful

You’re not the only one who feels stressed and tired after returning to hybrid work settings.…

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Anxious Achiever: Who Are They?

Morra Aarons-Mele hosts the podcast, The Anxious Achiever, to explore why it’s so important to start talking about mental…

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5 Skills Malaysian Employers Look For in 2023

At the beginning of 2020, the Covid-19 spread hurt the economies of countries worldwide, including Malaysia.…

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The Great Resignation: What’s Going On?

Social unpredictability and instability can have far-reaching effects. It’s possible that it triggered the Great Resignation.…

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5 Benefits of Networking

Professional networking is often seen as a waste of time by people who don’t see its…

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Remote Work: Working Hard or Hardly Working?

Many workers and businesses have been able to do remote work for years thanks to technological…

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Hardworking or Workaholic?

Working hard is not a bad thing, but there is a boundary that differentiates between hardworking…

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What Does Gen Z Want in a Career?

Gen Z is a group of people who were born from 1996 to 2012. Not only…

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