5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Considering Job Hopping

It is the dream of everyone to succeed in their career. After going to school for several years, all you want is to relax and start to benefit from the hard work. However, your first employment may not be as rewarding as you would expect. Therefore, there are higher chances you may consider changing to a better one. Additionally, there are times when you feel like you want to quit your job and start over something new. However, before you consider hopping from one job to another, there are at least five questions you should ask and answer yourself. 


Is It Too Soon To Leave?

Your future employment is critical in making your life better. However, job hopping might easily trigger your employers to question your loyalty, which is not a good thing for your career. Every time you switch from one company to the other means, you will have to adjust your resume to include the last employment. This way, the potential employer will not see how you have advanced in your career but rather confused thinking what it is that made you leave. As a good career practising person, it is essential to take at least 2-3 years before switching jobs. However, when that time finally comes, it is important to have a compelling reason. Ensure your reasoning for quitting the job has a positive spin. Your logic should convince your future hiring manager that you are an asset they need in the company.

Is Your Network Growing?

Sticking to the same company for many years is possible. The more you work with a particular company, the more your chances of growing your network. With about 10-25 years of experience, you stand a better chance to pull any strings in your favour. However, with all these years of experience at the same place, there are limited chances of challenging yourself. Additionally, as an employee, during this time, you also have attachments that are likely to prevent you from relocating or work as hard. However, working with the same organization for several years enhances your network drastically. Serving the same clients over time will expand your network better. However, if you keep hopping from one job to the other for the last 25 years, you are likely to get to the climax of your career with minimal connections.

RelatedAdvantages and Disadvantages of Job Hopping

What Is The Status Of The Company?

Job hopping may also come as a result of the current status of your company. Planning for the future is important. Ensure you have it all as it should be. The last thing you want is to sink in the middle of office drama and forget to look at the bigger picture. Take a keen interest of how the company is doing financially, is it making the right steps towards securing the future of your career? If the company is making money, then you are sure that there are chances you will get exceptional bonuses as well as great promotions. However, if the company is falling apart, my dear it is time to start packing your bags. However, you must ensure to use the best online resume writing services to ensure you get an appropriate reason to get to the next level.


How Will It Affect You In The Long-Term?

It is easy to make a big mistake in life due to short-term observations. Money, respect, or position are some of the things that lead to job hopping. The more you hop from job to job, your resume continues to gain less impact regardless of your other qualifications. Therefore, in one way or the other, it will impact your career either positively or negatively. Before choosing to quit, ask yourself if you have a convincing reason for your actions. Take it a little far and try to think if your purpose will be compelling enough in the next 10 or so years.

Who Is To Profit Most From Your Actions?

It would not be good for you to keep jumping from employment to the other trying to find a place where you will get all your interests observed. At times, it feels good to be selfless and put both you are the company you intend to join at a balance. Think of what services you bring onboard and how they will benefit the company. In return, you are likely to see your expectations and interests met in ways you least expected.



Getting the right answers for the above questions will help you know what steps to follow and still secure the future of your career. However, you must ensure, to be honest with yourself and make your decisions based on the outcome.


Jennifer Broflowski has been in the content industry for quite some time. She is an Executive Assistant & Content Contributor at CraftResumes. As an executive assistant, she guarantees to offer exceptional guidelines in any writing to keep you secure in your work regardless of how soon you consider to move to another position.

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