How to Get Hired for the Job of Your Dreams

How to get hired if the job searching can be stressful. You might land an interview, but if you are not prepared and ready for the questions that they’re about to ask, you won’t be making any progress. You can be charismatic and well versed with the industry and still not succeed in the interview without preparation. Your preparation for your job interview begins weeks before you ever walk into the office. To prepare, here are the 5 things that you should do before an interview.


1. Research the Company and the Position

The very first thing that you should do is research the company and the position that you want to be hired. The people who are hiring expect that you know everything about them. It looks bad on you if you ask something like, “So, what does your company do?” By asking that, you admit that you have not done any research about the company and displaying your lack of interest to join their team.

To make a good impression, find out everything that you can about the company. Find out who the CEO is, how the company started, do they have any branches and the different types of positions within the company. If the company focuses on internal recruitment, then you’ll already know most of the information that they’re expecting of you.

Then, learn about the position that you’ll be hired for. Know the different variations within that position and skills that they expect you to have and know. This way, you’ll walk into the interview with a comprehensive knowledge of what skills they are seeking.


How to Get Hired for the Job of Your Dreams

2. Be Prepared for Their Questions

The next thing that you should do is familiarise with the questions that they could ask you. In most job interviews, most questions are similar with slight variations. If you familiarise the types of questions that could be asked, you’ll be ready for anything that they could throw at you.

The first question that you should be aware of is “Tell me about yourself” question. When a potential employer asks you this, they’re not asking about your hobbies or interest. What they’re asking is, “Why are you the person we want for this position?” Tell them about the events that have happened in your life (in reverse chronological order) that details the skills that you have that are related to the job that they are hiring. Tell them about your schooling or other jobs that you’ve had experience.

The next question that you should be prepared for is “What are your weaknesses?” This question can be a tricky one to answer. You should be honest with them about a weakness that you have or had and then tell them what you have done to overcome it and better yourself.


3. Dress for the Job

A common mishap that people make when they go in for an interview is that they dress too casually. They assume that they don’t want to overstep and dress too nice for the interview. That’s the very issue. It’s always better to dress professionally than to dress in business casual. The interviewer will take you more seriously and treat you with more respect.

To get hired for the job of your dreams are simple if you prepared yourself weeks before the interview. If you conduct your research, prepare for the questions that they could ask you, and plan your outfit beforehand, then it would convince them you a suitable candidate for the job. They want to hire someone who is confident and speaks without hesitant. It’s okay to be nervous as long as you’re prepared.


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About the author

Craig Middleton has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing.


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