5 Tips To Kick-Start Your Job Search in New Year

As a job seeker, January is a great start to take new approaches in your professional career. The job searching can be time-consuming and will take a toll on you. It doesn’t have to turn out this way. Take a look at these great tips to ensure that this year you will get your dream job.


1.Draft a list of companies that you wish to work in

It is a good idea to form a company target list to identify which organisation may fit your interest, culture, benefits or beliefs. If you are a part of any professional groups, look up on the list of members to find any members that you can associate. Consider narrowing down your list by researching every company that you have chosen through the LinkedIn page and website to learn more about the organisation’s culture.


2. Improving your networking skills

Once you conduct your job search, you will need introductions and referrals from your networks. Take the beginning of the year to reach out to former colleagues or associates who have connections with jobs or companies that you to join. Invite with a drink or shoot a friendly email is a good start to greater opportunities in your job search.


3.Plan ahead for job fairs

Look up for job fairs in your field and schedule your time on the calendar. Gather details in advance about the job fair by looking at the list of vendors that would attend the event. Researching ahead will give you a head-start and time to prepare. Prepare and print multiple copies of your resume if you have multiple job objectives. Make sure your resume is well-written and free from any grammatical errors.


4. Follow up after your job interviews

Show your professionalism by following up after an interview to refresh the employer’s mind. Send a thank you email for the previous job interview and show your continued interest in working with them. State anything that you didn’t mention during the last interview and remind them why you are still qualified for the job. Alternatively, you can make a follow-up phone call especially if the job relies on strong verbal communication skills by sharing about your relevant qualifications.


5. Look beyond the job boards

Job boards are the go-to site for researching the market, keywords and job titles based on your target focus. You can opt to reach out and follow recruiters that posts jobs that you have a keen interest. Always ensure your profile remain relevant so that recruiters can keep an eye out for you as well.

When reaching out to a recruiter, always have a specific purpose such as wanting to learn about company culture, seeking referrals for hirings or getting feedback about your candidacy. If you wish to make a request, converse in a respectful tone and always give the final choice to the recruiter to decide. For example, “I would like to talk about Company A. I am available on Thursday or Friday at 5 PM.” Alternatively, you can choose to give the recruiter to decide the time instead of being upfront with your proposal.


Follow us for more daily career insights and new hirings to land your dream job. Head over to Jobstore.com and unveil your next job opportunity.

Ng You Jing  Content Marketer at Jobstore Reach me at youjing@jobstore.com

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