5 Essential Job Search Tips for SPM Leavers

For SPM leavers, the idea of going out to earn money while establishing your own career path can be exciting and challenging. The question is where will you start? What can you do? What is the first step? If you are struggling with finding full-time work for the first time in your life, here are 5 essential tips that will get you in the right direction.

Determine your goals

Have you ever establish your own goals and shortly after realising that it was not feasible in the first place? If you never heard of S.M.A.R.T goals, let’s look into it. S.M.A.R.T is an acronym that represents the steps it takes to develop a successful plan to achieve your goal.

S = Specific

Make sure your goal is focused and clear by making a bit more specific. For example, you want to “apply for a job as a customer service representative” instead of stating your goal as “to find money or a job.”


If you have a goal to apply as a customer service job, do your research. Find at least 5 things in the job that interest you. From there find out how you can get yourself to obtain these 5 things as a way to measure your progression.


When we set goals, it has to make sense. For instance, if you want to be a customer service representative, you need to determine if you have the right qualities that employers look for in this job.


Know your capabilities by reviewing what you have done in the past that did not work for you and what did. From there align with the qualifications and requirements to determine if you are qualified for the position. Work on the shortcomings if you think you are not up for the job yet.


Set a timeline! If your goal is to apply for a Customer Service job, when do you want to achieve this goal? Apply for jobs when you are about to get other things sorted. Through this manner, you can complete minor tasks along the way while waiting for potential interviews from jobs that you have applied.


Research Career path

It is important to set sufficient time to research your options in order to make the best decisions about your future career. Reach out to people in jobs that interest you and get a better understanding of the career. Utilise these industry guides to learn more about different fields:

  1. Design
  2. Accounting
  3. ACCA
  4. Actuarial Science
  5. Architecture
  6. Bioscience
  7. Business
  8. Computer Science
  9. Dentistry
  10. Design
  11. Early Childhood Education
  12. Engineering
  13. Hospitality & Tourism
  14. Law
  15. Mass Communication
  16. Medicine
  17. Occupational Safety Health
  18. Optometry
  19. Pharmacy
  20. Physiotherapy
  21. Psychology
  22. Quantity Surveying
  23. TESL


Develop your skills

There are two main skills set that you should develop. The first is the professional or technical skills that you can acquire through study and related work experience. The second is your employability skills, transferable skills that are applicable across all work roles that can also be acquired through a range of work and various life experiences. Most employers assess employability skills, examples include:

  • interpersonal and communication skills
  • teamwork
  • leadership
  • problem-solving skills
  • planning and organising
  • customer service

Besides skillset, attributes play an equally significant role in employability. Attributes is a characteristic or also known as a personality trait that improves and complements your employability skills, that includes:

  • commitment
  • reliability
  • enthusiasm
  • common sense
  • honesty
  • integrity
  • motivation
  • adaptability
  • time management
  • communication(written and verbal)
  • teamwork
  • research


Build a strong network

Networking is a great strategy to explore more job opportunities and connecting with people you know and meeting new ones. Adopting a networking mindset of connecting and helping others can pave you the way towards the right job. Your family members, friends, neighbours, classmates and even casual acquaintances are part of your network. Let them know that you are searching for a job and be specific about the position. Seek any information or getting new contacts in any relevant field.

Networking is usually a give-and-take process that revolves around making connections, seeking and sharing information. Always be specific in your request by being prepared to articulate what you are looking for. Most importantly, take the time to maintain your network. The key here is to look for quality contacts, emphasise on cultivating and maintaining your network and you might just discover the opportunity that you are looking for.


Be clear and honest

Once you reach the interview stage, remember to always be open and be honest to the interviewer. Let them know that despite lacking in the professional experience, but that you are motivated and keen to learn. When you want to present yourself in the best form, come up with a brief elevator pitch about your experience and successes. Stick only to the essentials that can relate to the job you want to apply for. When it is your turn to ask questions, talk about the company’s opportunities for further education and training. This is a great way to hint to them that you are motivated and open to learning new knowledge.


Are you all set to start your new career journey? Do share your thoughts in the comment section down below. Follow us for more daily career insights and new hirings to land your dream job. Head over to Jobstore.com and unveil your next job opportunity.

You Jing is a content writer who writes career and lifestyle contents to inspire job seekers and employers alike on their journey to work-life balance, empowerment and transformation in their career path.

Reach me at youjing@jobstore.com

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