5 Free Training and Certifications to Improve your Resume

To improve your chances of getting the attention of recruiters and hiring managers, you will need a resume that elevates you above other applicants and a perfect fit for the position. Certifications are a great option to strengthen your resume and display your talent and qualifications. Here are 5 free training and certifications that you can add into your resume to boost your career profile.


1. Google Analytics Online Courses

As one of the major players on the Internet. Google is offering online analytics courses for free! If you have an interest in digital analytics such as the Google Analytics platform, e-commerce analytics or mobile application analytics, check out Analytics Academy to learn and test out your knowledge.

With these set of newfound skills will be particularly valuable for marketers, writers and digital strategist alike. Most of all, having a good understanding of Google Analytics would make your career stand out!



In the current digital economy, it has become a norm for any employees to be involved in a marketing campaign that relates to their work for marketing purposes. To be a well-versed candidate, anyone would be knowledgeable by having  an awareness of social media, content marketing and digital marketing.

Here is your opportunity to explore digital marketing concepts by going through HubSpot’s Inbound Marketing Certification. This certificate covers the fundamentals of Search Engine Optimisation(SEO), blogging, landing pages, lead nurturing and conversion analysis. Even if you do not have any experience working in a marketing field, this certificate will give you an advantage over other candidates within your expertise who are not familiar with basic digital marketing concepts.



Coursera gives you access to college courses from top universities across 43 countries in the world. The free courses do not provide with a degree but you can complete specific courses insets to create a free or low-cost specialisation such as Big Data or Business Foundations. Coursera courses are generally broad and if you wish to dive deep into specific areas it is best to explore further on Udemy or Udacity.


4. Codeacademy

Codeacademy is an online training hub specialise in technical topics. You can enrol free courses on topics such as Structured Query Language(SQL), website development and basic programming to develop your skills in this area. If you are looking into taking up a programming job, having a certificate would definitely not be a dealbreaker. Experience matters in this career and the simplest way to showcase your expertise is to take up non-profit or freelance works. Having people to vouch for your skills will help while adding those projects into your resume.


5. OpenCulture

You can also examine OpenCulture’s extensive list of certificate-offering courses from a range of platforms such as Coursera, FutureLearn and dedicated universities. Eventhough free courses and certifications may not be equal to a high-level certification or official degrees, but they still give you the opportunity to learn new skills and exercise what you have invested in your own personal and professional development.


Parting Words

Only include certificates in your resume if they can be relevant to the position you are going to apply instead of adding certificates for the sake of adding. Your resume should only contain sufficient information while being relevant and easy to read through. One of the best aspects of taking up new knowledge shows that you have an interest in learning on your own time. Recruiters and hiring managers are always on the lookout for motivated candidates with personal goals.


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You Jing is a content writer who writes career and lifestyle contents to inspire job seekers and employers alike on their journey to work-life balance, empowerment and transformation in their career path.

Reach me at youjing@jobstore.com

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