Unexpected Ways to Use an Employee Referral Program

With the rapid development of the world, it became a great challenge for companies to attract the talents. At present, the team chiefs use traditional and alternative ways to find a skillful, experienced and inspired workers. However, the Guardian says the most popular one is a referral program. If you want your company to grow with the potential of talented workers, then you definitely should pay attention to it. In this article, you will find not only the definition of the notion but also learn unexpected and creative ways to use a referral program.


A Referral Program: What it is

Have you ever heard about the employee referral program? It is a way of finding the most suitable candidates for the position thanks to the recommendations of the existing workers. The program has numerous advantages among which are:


  • Improved quality: As it has been stated above, the referral program is an internal way of drawing new hirings. This is when the team members are asked to reach out to the most suitable person for the open position. Such steps improve the general quality of the hire as the workers know the best, what expectations the chief has, and who can meet availability requirements. 
  • Keeping the talents: As the referral program helps find the best match for the position, the chosen workers stay longer with the company. In this way, the turnover rate is reduced. Thus, great specialists remain with the company in the long term.
  • Reduced time: Here everything is simple. Since the time to hire is short, the costs spent on this process are also diminished.
  • Enhances employer brand: Usually, the candidates read information about the organisation before requesting for the position. Offering a bonus to your employees for recommending a person will make them say more kind and pleasant words about the company. As a result, an employer brand is improved. 

If you want to experience all these benefits, it is very important not just to apply HR software but to do it effectively. Let’s look at ways to use the referral program in unexpected ways.


Ways to Succeed from the Employee Referral Program

So, let’s look at how you can implement a referral program successfully:

1. Use business cards

Referral business cards are a simple but effective way to search for new personnel. First of all, they will come in handy for finding specialists engaged in the service sector. Print a batch of paper business cards or send electronic copies to employees, and the result will be impressive.

Surely your employees often interact with the service personnel of other companies and note those whose work quality meets the highest standards. Electronic copies of business cards can be shown to those who impressed you on social networks or the Internet. If the code is indicated on the business card, the employee who issued it will receive a reward when the specialist recommended by him/her receives the job.


2. Encourage friendly competition

For example, organise contests between departments: add points for each useful recommendation to the unit, put a table with the score in a prominent place, do not forget to regularly summarise and set new goals. Work separately with leaders: maintain a rating that evaluates the advisory work of each of them – this will awaken the spirit of competition. Do not forget to reward those who immediately responded and were the first to give a quality recommendation.


3. Train employees on recommended recruiting

Most workers simply do not know where to look for suitable candidates and how to convince them to come for an interview. Help your people master the tools of advisory recruiting – it will be easier for them, and the results will improve.

Keep in mind that the lack of response is the first reason why the effectiveness of the referral program is affected. Continuous and honest feedback is also of great importance if you do not want to impede the implementation of the program.If you want to achieve great results, prepare for major changes and applying unexpected ways to use such programs as those which have been described above.


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Susan Craig, HR manager, personal trainee in management,
freelance writer and active guest contributor.”



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