10 Tips On How to Become the Person Companies Want to Hire in 2020

Are you looking to move up to a better job or just found your dream job you really want? Or are you looking to get back into the workforce? Regardless of the current job market, there are important things that you need to understand to get hired fast in 2020. These 10 essential tips will help you become the person that any companies wants to hire.


1.Don’t let your grades take precedence over your actual skills.

You need to realise that your CGPA is only one factor that goes into impressing your interviewer. Grades are an indication of your ability to process and retain information while acting as an expression of behaviour about your academics. Even with average grades, you still can impress your interviewer with skills such as networking, personal branding and gaining work experience.


2. Customise your resume to fit the company’s role you’re applying with.

Ask yourself what skills and experience would best fit the company you are looking to work with. Try to make it stand out on your resume but try not to completely rewrite your resume for each position you are applying for. Last but not least let your potential employers know that you if you are a local candidate by adding your location in the contact information at the top of your resume.


3. Write a bit corny cover letter to stand out.

A great way to get your application noticed is to write a compelling and engaging cover letter that shows not only your qualifications, but also your personality. Instead of going with the cliche and formulaic route like your conventional cover letters, try to be creative. Think of unique examples that demonstrate your particulars skills and experience are suitable for the job. Most importantly, project yourself as an employee can perfectly fit with the company culture.


4. Learn about the business.

Regardless of your education background, when you are working for a company you will need to familiarise with the basics of business. It will help you stand out if you understand how businesses functions and ensuring that you are aligned with company goals. 


5. Keep up-to-date with your emails.

Cluttered email inboxes with unorganised and unread emails can lead to missing out on important information. Learn how to organise your inbox, so you can respond to job hiring emails promptly.


6. Look for volunteering opportunities.

Volunteering offers the opportunity for you to provide something back to the community or a chance to develop new skills and experience. Volunteering can also be a path towards employment or a way to a career change. The social benefits of volunteering can be great for your CV while you can engage with new people, a chance to socialise and get to know more communities.


7. Learn a second language.

Besides being able to communicate with people in their native language, learning a new language makes you a more appealing candidate, it expands your vocabulary skills and provides an avenue to integrate with the business community. Once you learn a new language, the culture aspect can be easily explored while finding a greater appreciation for what you have or shifting your perspective to a better understanding.


8. Become a T-shaped person.

The concept of becoming a T-shaped person is essentially striving to become knowledgeable and skill in one area while educating yourself on a wide range of topics. This is a great way to transform yourself to be the “go-to” person for your expertise and ability to contribute to other areas along.


9. Never talk bad about your previous company.

No matter how sour the experience in your last job, you don’t want to give the impression to a potential employer that you could do the same to them. Employers would see you as an employee that would gossip which is not an admirable quality to display during a job interview.


10. Prepare your own questions to ask during an interview.

Not asking questions during the interview will send a bad signal indicating that you don’t have any interest in the job. Conduct your research about the job and the company so you can further evaluate if this position is the right fit for you. Asking great questions can provide an avenue for you to highlight your skills and experience that you are a match for the job.


Leave us your thoughts on the comment sections below. Head over to Jobstore.com and unveil your next job opportunity.

You Jing is a content writer who writes career and lifestyle contents to inspire job seekers and employers alike on their journey to work-life balance, empowerment and transformation in their career path.

Reach me at youjing@jobstore.com

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