17 Behavioural Interview Questions that You Should Know

You might be thinking what is a behavioural interview, in its simplest term, the interviewer asks questions about your past work experience. These questions are aimed towards determining how well you handle various work situations, your skill, abilities, personality as well as finding out if you are fit for the job. What are the common behavioural interview questions? Here is a list of the behavioural questions that you will likely encounter.


  1. Tell me about your proudest achievement.
  2. Describe your previous experience when you saw a problem and decide to fix it rather than asking for someone more qualified to do it.
  3. Describe a time when you are required to be creative at work. Did you enjoy it?
  4. What do you look for in colleagues?
  5. Tell me about your previous experience when you were dissatisfied at work.
  6. Why do you want to work at this company?
  7. Do you prefer delegating tasks or doing them yourself?
  8. Have you ever had to manage multiple responsibilities at once?
  9. Provide an example of how you managed to work multiple projects at once.
  10. Have you ever been in a situation where you had too much to do and not enough resources and how did you overcome this challenge?
  11. Describe a time when you were under a lot of pressure due to time. How did you overcome the situation?
  12. Name three things that you have improved at your previous job
  13. Describe a stressful situation with a customer and how you handled it.
  14. Describe how you manage to work effectively while under pressure from clients.
  15. How do you manage over-demanding customers?
  16. Do you prefer to work alone or as a team?
  17. Have you ever been in an inter-team conflict and how did you handle it?



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