Resume and Interview Tips for Teaching Jobs

Your cover letter and resume are the first impressions that you make as a potential candidate as a new teacher for an education institution. You must spend the time to develop professional, succinct, and attention-grabbing resumes and cover letters to convince them that you’re qualified and that you’re a great fit for their school. During the interview, proper preparation, research and practice will help you to ensure that you display a great impression. Here are some tips that will help you determine if you can be a great fit into the school you are looking for.


1. Tailor your resume to the position and the school you’re looking to apply for as much as possible.

2. List work and volunteer experiences that are most relevant to teaching and any relevant skills.

3. If you do not have any teaching experience, summarize the skills you have learned based on your past work experience that can be applied to teaching. For example,  a teacher requires:

  • excellent communication skills
  • creativity and innovation to do interesting activities
  • accuracy and attention to detail
  • good organizational skills in making and lesson planning

4.Use a Qualifications Summary or Objective section on your resume header to describe the type of position you are looking to apply for and emphasize more on your skills and strengths.

5.Keep your cover letter and resume design simple, try to avoid cliche and fanciful fonts and colours.

6.Your job descriptions should be short with just one or two lines. Make sure you limit your use of buzzwords and do not write paragraphs.

7.Lastly, when saving your file to upload to applications, name your file properly – “resume – last name, first name -school name”. Save your file in PDF format so that it opens with the desired format regardless of the devices or operating system that it’s viewed from.

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1.Before the interview, it is essential to bring a portfolio to make a good impression as it shows your preparedness and professionalism. Bring at least 2-3 copies of your portfolio for the interview in case there is more than one interviewer who’d want to reference it.

2.Find out who you’re interviewing with and look into their backgrounds. What are their positions in the school and what do they teach?

3.Spend time researching the school and the district by checking out their website. Find out about the culture and what the school is known for. 

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You Jing is a content writer who writes career and lifestyle contents to inspire job seekers and employers alike on their journey to work-life balance, empowerment and transformation in their career path.

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