7 Ways To Use Personal Branding To Stand Out

In a professional environment where you are competing with so many others to succeed, how can you stand out from the crowd? While you may have attended the same colleges or done the same extracurriculars, personal branding is the way that you can make your mark and shine compared to the rest. 

Your personal brand is “what people say about you when you’re not in the room,” according to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos. So how can you influence people’s perceptions to make yourself stand out? You can start by conversing with colleagues to build strong relationships and networks, but personal branding can take many other shapes and forms as well. 

By building a personal brand, you can take the road to new opportunities and add credibility to your name as a professional. Additionally, your personal brand can even help you find a job. While your resume is confined to a single sheet of paper, your personal brand can be everything from your social media to your CV — it’s everything that comprises you. 

However, it’s important to carefully curate your brand to show your best self. Your personal brand allows you to become a more memorable job candidate, but only if you create it correctly. Whether you are established in your field or are still figuring out your career path, personal branding is something everyone can use to stand out. 

So how can you make your mark with personal branding? Check out the infographic below to learn everything you need to know about branding yourself. 


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