6 Ways to Handle a Job Rejection

6 Ways to Handle a Job Rejection

6 Ways to Handle a Job RejectionNo one enjoys receiving a job rejection. Suppose you’ve prepared extensively for a role that you really desired. In that case, hearing a rejection can be even more difficult.

But with the proper attitude, you can turn the experience into a chance to advance your career.

Here are 6 ways to handle job rejection:

1. Request specific feedback

The most important thing to do following  job rejection is to reflect on what happened and how you can learn from it.

When confronted with a job rejection, the most valuable action is to request and consider feedback. Self-analysis alone cannot explain why you were not the ideal candidate for the position.

Therefore, collect as much feedback as possible from the recruiter and, through them, the employer. If the input seems superficial or generic, don’t hesitate to request a more in-depth evaluation. You invested much in the process, so you are entitled to actionable insights at its conclusion.


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2. Evaluate and reflect

Once you’ve had a chance to come to terms with the employer’s decision, it can be tempting to forget about the experience entirely. However, doing so would be a waste of an important educational opportunity.

So, considering the feedback you received, consider everything that transpired, from your preparation and research to your interactions during the interview and any follow-up.

If the process occurred in stages, evaluate your performance for each step and identify areas for improvement. Consider: What did I feel went well? How could I have changed my actions?

There is always room for improvement, so use this job rejection to illuminate these areas.

3. Identify lessons learned and create a personal development plan

Consider feedback from past job rejection, evaluations, and the like. Exist any recurrent themes? What should be your top priorities for development?

Note any vulnerabilities or issues you can address, and use them as a focal point for your next round of preparation.

Create a plan based on these needs. What steps can you take to improve your performance? Depending on the issue, training or informal coaching may be available to help you grow. Or you may need to work harder on some of your answers and locate someone with whom to practice them.

4. Be philosophical

Feedback can also help you realize that job rejection is sometimes out of your control and may even be in your best interest. Suppose the interviewer prefers someone with extensive client management experience (which you lack) or someone who speaks the local language (which you do not, or not as well). In that case, it pays to be philosophical. Focus on the aspects of your plan that you can realistically alter.

Chemistry is essential to any productive working relationship. Therefore, even if you felt that your interview went flawlessly, it does not necessarily indicate that the position within that company was ideal for you.

5. Narrow down your search

On occasion, the interview and/or feedback process can make you realize that, although it’s disheartening to be rejected, the position didn’t quite feel like a good match for you. 

Consider the job description and ask yourself if you can envision yourself in the role daily. There may have been aspects of the role that did not inspire you, and the interviewer may have been able to tell.

Utilize your past experiences to refine future job searches. You may be looking at keywords that don’t quite align with your goals and aspirations. Did the responsibilities associated with the job title fall short of your expectations? Did the interview make you realize this position is not a good fit for you? And if not, what then?

6. Develop resilience

Developing a mindset of grit and resiliency is crucial for long-term success in today’s swiftly changing workplace, where technologies are accelerating, and companies are transforming with great agility.

Consider each setback as an opportunity to develop your self-awareness and resilience in the face of adversity. Conquering obstacles on your career path will improve your prospects of landing the ideal position. Make an effort to remain constructive. Do everything you can to prepare for the next opportunity by learning from this experience.

After all, job rejection is common. What matters most is what you learn from the experience.

Now, get out there and show them what you are capable of! Find your dream job on Jobstore.com, download our free mobile app today.

Anisa is a writer who focuses on career and lifestyle topics in an effort to motivate both job searchers and employers towards greater fulfillment in their professional lives.

Reach me at anisa@jobstore.com.


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