Training Manager Job Description Template

Training Manager Job Description Template

Training Manager Job Description Template Training Manager Job Description

A Training Manager is responsible for identifying and assessing training needs, developing customized training plans, and implementing various training techniques in order to improve the skills and performance of employees. They also oversee the efficacy of training programs, manage budgets, and remain current on training trends.

This job description template is optimized for posting on online job platforms or careers pages. So, it can be easily modified to suit your company’s needs. Therefore, this job description can be changed when recruiting candidates for this position and conducting interviews.

What is a Training Manager?

A Training Manager is a professional responsible for identifying and assessing an organization’s training requirements, developing training plans, and implementing various methods in order to improve employee skills and performance.

What does a Training Manager do?

The primary responsibility of a Training Manager is to identify training requirements, develop training plans, and implement effective training programs in order to enhance employees’ skills, productivity, and work quality. They evaluate the effectiveness of training programs, manage training budgets, and also keep abreast of training trends to ensure that the organization’s training initiatives align with its business objectives and employee development requirements.

Training Manager responsibilities include:

  • Identifying and evaluating current and prospective training requirements.

  • Developing a comprehensive or individualized training and development plan.

  • Using a multitude of training techniques.

Job Brief

We are seeking an experienced Training Manager in order to direct our company’s training initiatives. You will be responsible for developing and implementing a comprehensive training strategy that correlates with our business goals in this position. You also will be primarily responsible for identifying training requirements, developing pertinent programs, and evaluating their impact on employee performance and loyalty.

As a Training Manager, you will collaborate with various departments to ensure that employees receive the appropriate training to excel in their positions and contribute to the company’s overall success. Successful candidates for this position typically have a background in business, management, human resources, development, or education.

Your responsibilities will include enhancing employee skills, enhancing performance, boosting productivity, and nurturing an organization-wide culture of continuous learning and development.

You will play a crucial role in promoting employee growth and ensuring the achievement of our business objectives by supervising our training initiatives.


  • Identify and evaluate prospective and current training requirements through job analysis, career paths, annual performance reviews, and line manager consultation.

  • Create a comprehensive or individualized training and development plan that addresses needs and goals.

  • Utilize a variety of instructional techniques.

  • Conduct efficient induction and orientation.

  • Periodically evaluate and report on the training program’s effectiveness, profitability, and ROI.

  • Control the instruction budget.

  • Offer possibilities for ongoing development.

  • Resolve specific issues and adapt training programs as required.

  • Maintain an acute awareness of training developments, trends, and best practices.

Requirements and Skills

  • Proven track record as a Training Manager.

  • Experience designing and implementing successful training programs

  • Familiarity with conventional and innovative training techniques (mentoring, counseling, on-the-job or classroom training, e-learning, workshops, simulations, etc.).

  • Outstanding communication and leadership abilities.

  • Effective planning, multitasking, and time management skills.

  • Superior writing and recordkeeping skills for writing reports and training manuals.

  • Excellent computer and database knowledge.

  • Bachelor’s degree in education, human resources, or a pertinent field.

Salary Range

The average monthly salary for Training Manager jobs in Malaysia ranges from RM 7,000 to RM 9,200.

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Anisa is a writer who focuses on career and lifestyle topics in an effort to motivate both job searchers and employers towards greater fulfillment in their professional lives.

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