Public Relations Manager Job Description Template

Public Relations Manager Job Description Template

Public Relations Manager Job Description

A Public Relations Manager is a professional responsible for administering the communication initiatives of an organization with media personnel. Their responsibilities include supervising a team of public relations professionals and delegating tasks, composing or editing press releases before publication, and assisting their company in organizing events such as conferences involving their industry and the local community.

Public Relations Manager responsibilities include:

  • Coordinating all relations with the publi

  • Creating a marketing communications plan that includes strategy, objectives, budget, and tactics.

  • Creating a media relations plan and pursuing prominent print, broadcast, and online media placements.

Job Brief

We seek a Public Relations Manager (PR Manager) to cultivate a strong industry network, raise brand awareness, and build an enviable corporate image through the development and execution of effective communication and media relations programs.


  • Create a marketing communications plan with strategy, objectives, a budget, and tactics.

  • Create a media relations plan that targets prominent print, broadcast, and online media placements.

  • Coordinate all aspects of public relations.

  • Direct the social media team to interact with audiences across traditional and new media.

  • Utilize existing media relationships and cultivate new business and industry media contacts.

  • Manage media requests for comments and interviews.

  • Create copy for press releases, bylined articles, and keynote speeches.

  • Monitoring, analyzing, and communicating quarterly PR results

  • Ongoing evaluation of partnership, sponsorship, and advertising opportunities.

  • Develop relationships with industry thought leaders to expand market awareness.

  • Maintain a keen comprehension of industry trends affecting clients and make pertinent communication strategy recommendations.

Requirements and Skills

  • Required to have proven work experience in public relations

  • Authentic track record of local and national success in designing and implementing public relations campaigns.

  • Strong ties to both regional and national business and industry media entities

  • Comfortable and competent in both broadcast and print media interviews; experience serving as a company spokesperson

  • Superior writing and refining abilities

  • Solid familiarity with social media platforms such as blogs, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

  • Event management expertise

  • BA/MA in Marketing, Advertising, Communications, or a closely related field

Salary Range

The average monthly salary for Public Relations Manager jobs in Malaysia ranges from RM 6,900 to RM 8,400.

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Anisa is a writer who focuses on career and lifestyle topics in an effort to motivate both job searchers and employers towards greater fulfillment in their professional lives.

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