How to Survive Your First Internship Day

How to Survive Your First Internship Day

How to Survive Your First Internship DayYou got a call back after the interview, and the person on the other end said that your first day of internship will be next week. You’re excited, but you’re also nervous. How should you act if you were doing this for the first time?

Here are 5 tips to help you on your first day of internship:

1. Dress well during first day of internship.

What you wear to your internship on the first day is important because it helps your coworkers understand who you are. Dress neatly for work, whether it’s business casual or formal. This will help you feel assertive and at ease. It also shows, unintentionally, how you feel about your work tasks and duties.

On your first day of work, dressing up is always a good idea. Make sure to ask your interviewer ahead of time what you should wear.

How to Survive Your First Internship DayALSO READ: 7 Tips to Protect Your Data Privacy During Job Search

2. Listen to the briefings.

During your internship orientation, you will usually get a tour of the office and learn about the company’s policies and processes. This is also when briefings happen. Listen carefully and write down important information, like how to get in touch with the person and other important details.

3. Learn about your coworkers.

To succeed during internship, you must get along with your coworkers. A good rule of thumb is to know their names and figure out who you’ll be working closely with. Most of the time, they’ll be more interested in talking to you during lunch, so use that time to get to know your coworkers!

4. Learn about the systems.

Your company will have its own database systems or applications for day-to-day work, so do your best to learn how to use them as quickly as possible. While your coworkers show you the ropes, pay attention and take notes for later. Also, find out who to go to if you have problems later.

No one expects you to know everything on your first day of work, and asking questions is okay. In fact, it’s the best and quickest way to learn.

5. Be yourself during internship.

You should try to think on your feet and pick up new things quickly, but it’s also important to be yourself at work to make a real and lasting impact on others. Remember your skills and create your own brand to stand out from the crowd.

Also, don’t forget to follow the rules of the workplace, like getting to work on time and getting rid of any distractions. Good luck as an intern, and put your best foot forward!

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Anisa is a writer who focuses on career and lifestyle topics in an effort to motivate both job searchers and employers towards greater fulfillment in their professional lives.

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