Writer Cover Letter Tips & Example

Writer Cover Letter Tips & Example

Writer Cover Letter Tips & Example
4 tips to create a professional writer cover letter

Here are four tips to help you develop a cover letter that demonstrates your writing capabilities and impresses prospective employers:

  1. Demonstrate your writing style

Create a cover letter that demonstrates your unique writing style. Consider what kind of content you’d like to write about if the hiring manager selects you for the position. As a result, strive to use writing approaches that will complement the type of information you want to write about.  

For example, if you’re applying for a position as a travel journalist, include vivid imagery and use sensory language throughout your cover letter. By doing so, it can prove to the hiring manager that you have the necessary skills to create descriptive articles that make readers feel like they’re visiting the destinations you write about. 

  1. Keep your cover letter brief

Try to keep your cover letter concise to show the reader you value their time. Maintain your focus on your most important professional experiences, abilities, and certifications. This is done to guarantee that the hiring manager can immediately determine why you are the best candidate for the job. Additionally, try utilising bullet points to highlight crucial information in an easy-to-understand format for the reader.

Use active voice to decrease wordiness and create a compelling cover letter that stays within the one-page recommended length.

  1. Incorporate relevant keywords

Often, companies use an applicant tracking system (ATS) to review application materials automatically. These systems scan resumes and cover letters for keywords to determine whether a candidate meets the employer’s requirements for the job. Since this review typically occurs before hiring managers receive application materials, it’s important to incorporate relevant keywords that an ATS may be looking for in your cover letter. 

Examine the job description of the role you’re applying for to pick out a few of the specific requirements for the role. Then integrate these into your application materials when possible. Some common skills and qualifications employers seek when hiring writers include:

  • Adaptability

  • Creativity

  • Communication

  • Storytelling

  • Attention to detail

  • Organisation

  • Research skills

  • Discipline

  • Search engine optimization (SEO)

  • Originality

  • Time management

  • Editing

  1. Proofread carefully

As a writer, you must thoroughly edit your application materials to ensure they are free of spelling and punctuation issues. Allow yourself a breather once you’ve completed a draught of your cover letter before editing it. Spending time away from your work might help you feel more concentrated while rereading it, making it simpler to spot places for improvement.

Try reading your cover letter aloud or utilising a text-to-voice programme to get a sense of how it sounds. Take note of your syntax and tone to ensure you’re communicating the correct message. You can also ask a trustworthy friend, coworker, or family member to evaluate and provide input on your application materials. Taking the effort to thoroughly edit your application materials might demonstrate to hiring managers that you can produce high-quality written content.

Related link: 4 Reasons Cover Letter is Still Relevant in 2023


April Madison
Phoenix, Arizona

May 31, 2023

Dear hiring manager,

Ever since I was a child, I’ve loved storytelling. While my earliest stories involved princesses and superheroes, as I grew older I started to write more about my personal experiences as I traveled around the world with my family. By the time I was 18, my online travel blog, April Abroad, was consistently receiving thousands of views from dedicated readers every day. That’s why when I saw that Atlas Travels Magazine is hiring a Content Writer, I knew I had to apply.

As a frequent reader of your magazine, I always enjoy learning about new places that I have yet to explore. Often, your writers make me feel as if I’ve been transported to another destination along with them, which is something I strive to accomplish in my own work.

In the job description, I found for this role on the Atlas Travels Magazine website, you mentioned you’re looking for a Content Writer who has knowledge of SEO, can meet tight deadlines and has journalism experience. Throughout my writing career, I’ve demonstrated each of these capabilities by:

  • Earning and maintaining my HubSpot SEO certification since 2019

  • Publishing 15 articles per week while working at The Phoenix Review

  • Graduating from The Writing Academy of Phoenix with a bachelor’s degree in journalism in 2016

I’ve also had work in Nomadic Roaming, Wanderlust Pursuit and Travel Inspire several times over the last five years. I’ve included samples from each of these publications in my online portfolio, which you can view at www.aprilmadisontravels.com. Thank you for taking the time to review my application materials and consider me for this position. I look forward to hearing from you soon and learning more about this amazing opportunity to write for Atlas Travels Magazine.

April Madison

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