Prepared people are more likely to get lucky, so you should be ready for your first interview! But how do you begin?

The first round of interviews is easy to prepare because they are always with a recruiter and have the same standard interview questions. Get ready for the next round! It will be easy once you learn how to read between the lines and answer these questions.

Find out what those 3 interview questions are and how to answer them well.

1. Tell me about yourself

It sounds like existential interview questions, but the interviewer checks to see if your skills and experiences fit the job well. Most people make this mistake: they give a step-by-step account of all the skills on their resume, which they already have.

You should use this 3-step method instead of just reading your resume to give an overview of your experience: hook, interesting details, and wrap-up. Initially, tell them about yourself and why you like this work. Next, include information about your accomplishments and projects that went well. Don’t forget to include measurements! Finally, end by saying why you’re interested in the job when answering the interview questions.


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2. Why this job or company?

The recruiter must know you’re interested in the job and the business when they ask the interview questions. They don’t want to hire someone who doesn’t care about their career and becomes a risk to the company.

Ensure you know about the company’s history, how it came to be, its goods, and maybe even some news about it. Even if you don’t know everything about the company, giving an answer that shows you know it well is a good sign that you would be an excellent addition to the team.

3. Why are you a good candidate for this job?

In this case, the interviewer wants to know if you have the right skills for the job. To give a good answer, read the job description and make a list of the exact skills that are needed. If you match the skills they need with what you’ve done before, they’ll think you’re the best person for the job.

Get ready for these 3 interview questions to move on to the next round!