3 Great Reasons to Work Outside Your Field

3 Great Reasons to Work Outside Your Field

3 Great Reasons to Work Outside Your FieldWhen we finish college, we hope that the job fairy will give us a high-paying job at a great company the day after we get our degrees, which we paid for with loans. Unfortunately, we wind up living with our parents, whining about life, and working a minimum wage job outside of our field. At the same time, we wait for the economy to return to how it was in the 1990s.

However, hard work has always been the only way to succeed in the real world. One of the most overlooked ways to improve your career is to look for work in areas that need workers, even if you don’t have the right qualifications.

Here are some great benefits why you might want to get one of those jobs outside of your field:

1. You’ll grow your confidence.

You should look—and be—like a doer to impress potential employers. One great way to show that you have this kind of attitude is to bring skills that don’t fit the job you want to get and explain how you would use them there. Learning how to sell your skills will not only help you get jobs in the future but also help you feel good about your value.

2. You’ll improve your general career skills.

Working at a “real job” is essential because it gives you real-world knowledge that future employers will value. An interviewer must think you weren’t just waiting for a lucky break and stuck in a rut. Any job will teach you a lot about dealing with coworkers, bosses, meetings, and how power works in a bureaucracy. You’ll learn many valuable things about the workplace and, more importantly, about yourself. What kind of business don’t you want to work for? What makes a boss either good or bad? How do you talk to someone about getting a raise or a promotion? These are skills that can be used in many different jobs.

ALSO READ: How to Explain Your Resume Gaps

3. You’ll gain unique skills outside of your field.

Think about this: getting a degree and then working in the same field doesn’t set you apart from anyone else who did the same two things. Higher-level job postings might say, “Design Coordinator: Need graphic designer with project management experience” or “Engineering Manager: Master’s degree in physics and at least two years of management experience.”

You’ll find that companies want you to have more skills than you could have learned in school. Taking an unusual job will help you gain abilities that will make you stand out when you apply for your next job.

Are you looking to make a career move to find balance in your life again? Find your dream job on Jobstore.com, download our free mobile app today.

Anisa is a writer who focuses on career and lifestyle topics in an effort to motivate both job searchers and employers towards greater fulfillment in their professional lives.

Reach me at anisa@jobstore.com.

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