6 Reasons You Should Always Be In Job Search Mode

6 Reasons You Should Always Be In Job Search Mode

6 Reasons You Should Always Be In Job Search ModeOne of the main reasons for all this job-hopping is also one of the simplest: workers can get a lot out of it, whether they switch jobs or just “window shop” for what’s out there. That is why some employees are always on a job search mode.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average length of time a worker has been with their current company is only 4.1 years. We may all think people work for the same company for a long time, but the truth is very different. Between 18 and 50, the average worker has 11.9 jobs.

Here are 6 good reasons to always be on a job search mode:

1. Resume is always up-to-date and well-written

You must keep your resume up-to-date if you are always on a job search mode. If you don’t update for a few years, keeping track of what you’ve done is hard.

Small, ongoing changes are easier than big changes all at once. You’ll always have an up-to-date resume, making it easier to apply for good jobs, which can be hard to do on your own.

6 Reasons You Should Always Be In Job Search Mode

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2. Helps you get better at interviews

The ability to interview gets worse. You lose it if you don’t use it. Because of this, people who are always on a job search mode have a big edge at this stage of the hiring process. All that extra interview practice helps them stay calm under pressure, answer questions better, and make a good impression.

In the same way, a good interview helps potential companies believe what you say on your resume. And don’t forget that a good resume gets you an interview, but the interview is where you show you can do the job.

3. Better pay, benefits, and chances to take on leadership roles

The usual way to get raises and promotions is to stay with a company, make yourself indispensable, and work your way up the ladder. In theory, people are paid for being loyal.

There are times to use that method. But study shows that changing jobs often is a much better way to quickly and significantly raise your salary. For example, a Pew Research study found that between April 2021 and March 2022, half of the people who moved jobs got a 9.7% pay raise. That is very different from the average worker who kept their job and saw their pay drop by 1.7%.

Pay is not the only reason to do something. Getting a new job or working for a different company is often a good way to advance your career. You can’t move up at your current job, and your chances would be much better elsewhere.

4. Job offers help you talk to your boss about pay raises

Even if you like where you work and don’t want to leave, looking for and applying for other jobs makes sense. You can use an offer from another company to get a pay raise.

This is what people to earn more money. It costs money to find and train new workers. It is much simpler to pay someone more, especially if they do a great job.

Suppose you have a confirmed job offer from another company (especially a rival) that pays more. In that case, you have much power in that negotiation. Also, looking for new jobs shows you if your present pay aligns with the industry’s pay. If it doesn’t, it’s more likely that you’ll want to apply for jobs where it does.

5. You keep up-to-date on skills that people want

Finding a job is also a quest to find out information. What kind of knowledge and skills do employers in your field look for in a good candidate these days? How does that compare to what’s on your resume right now?

Once you know the answers to these questions, you can fix any obvious gaps in your resume by, for example, asking to work on relevant projects at your present job or getting different certifications.

You’ll be better positioned to make a change when you’re ready for a change.

6. Helps with the changeover in worst-case scenarios

If you get fired out of the blue, you’ll want to ensure your resume is up-to-date and that you’re good at interviews. Even though these things are never fun, they are much less stressful, upsetting, and scary if you are ready to return to the job market.

People who are always looking for new jobs are more likely to be able to get back on their feet quickly. They know how the job market works and have a CV that shows their relevant experience and recent successes. In the same way, knowing you’ve set yourself up to handle such events can make you feel better even if you’ve never let go.

Find your dream job on Jobstore.com, download our free mobile app today.

Anisa is a writer who focuses on career and lifestyle topics in an effort to motivate both job searchers and employers towards greater fulfillment in their professional lives.

Reach me at anisa@jobstore.com.


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