How to Get Your CV into Recruiter’s List

To ensure you make an outstanding first impression, your CV needs to be optimised in providing clarity with relevant information in the most succinct form to recruiters. Understanding the process on how to connect with recruiters can help speed up the process and increase your chance to find your dream job. Here are 5 easy ways to optimise your CV and get recruiters’ interest.


Consider removing your “objective statement”

Objective statements generally do not bring any value to your CV. Mentioning about seeking a competitive position within a growing company in hopes of providing you with a path to make a positive contribution does not make the cut into the recruiter’s list. Instead, focus on crafting an executive summary or “Who I Am” section. This will allow you to showcase your overarching value proposition which explains directly about what you specialise. This is your opportunity to make it clear that you are a strong candidate while keeping your statement relevant, compelling and unique.


Include relevant extracurriculars

Invest time and effort for your professional development such as attending webinars, industry meetups or pick up new skills. Recruiters would be interested to see what candidates do to step up their A game. Learn to take initiative to refine your skills outside of your work and study time to show your genuine passion for your profession.


Formatting and spacing guidelines

If you are not familiar with your CV format, here are a few tips to keep in mind. The length of a CV should be minimum 2 pages and for most professionals may require 3 pages. Every heading should be bolded to introduce a new section and ease of reading. Choose a clear font such as Calibri or Arial for the body content. You may use other similar fonts for your headings for consistency and easy-to-read. Stick with font size at 10 or 12 and use italics when necessary. Ensure your page margins are around 2.5cm and make sure they are not less than 1.27cm. Reducing your page margin below the minimum will make your CV to appear cluttered and harder to read. Proofread multiple times to remove any potential typos and inaccuracies. Last but not least, don’t forget to save your file as a PDF to ensure recruiters are able to access through any devices while retaining your CV format.



Determine which recruitment agency is a right fit for you

Search firms have connections with industries and companies that you may not be aware. If you are looking to work in a specific industry, it is necessary to reach out to various recruiters to find the right connections. Once you found a potential recruiter, spend your time building up your professional relationship and ask about how they would market your CV and present it to employers. It is essential to ensure you are comfortable with the style of the recruiter who is representing you and learn to connect with more than one recruiter to expand your reach.


Follow-up with the recruiter

Only follow up between 5 to 10 working days after submitting your CV to the recruiter. If you have gone through a phone screening after submitting your CV, follow up with the recruiter. Let the recruiter know that you appreciate the conversation for the time and interest to speak with you. Emphasise further with your interest in the position and reaffirm the conditions that have been discussed previously.


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You Jing is a content writer who writes career and lifestyle contents to inspire job seekers and employers alike on their journey to work-life balance, empowerment and transformation in their career path.

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