Things You Should Never Mention in Your Resume

Searching for a job can be a daunting process. Constantly on the race against all odds to land your desired job. Your resume is one of the keys to your success. When it comes to writing your resume, employers are looking to filter out a list of applicants to the suitable candidates for interview. Hence, your information is vital and you certainly don’t want to include the wrong details. Here are 6 things you should avoid mentioning in your resume.


1. Providing your previous salary or a salary range

By adding your salary information on your resume, you are creating a false impression or develop restrictions for your prospective recruiters. For instance, a low salary range can be an indicator that you do not have the skill set or experience to offer for the position. If the salary range is higher than expected, it may not fit their salary expectation.


2. Referencing your duties and responsibilities

There is barely any value by providing your job description to the employers. Stating about how you to utilise your skills and assets to achieve results will bring more to the table. Your accomplishments don’t need to be majestic instead express you how you achieved the desired results. For example, improving the customer review ratings by providing quality service. To validate your achievements, you can provide recognition by people you have previously work with. For instance, chosen as the best employee improvement of the month by your CEO.


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3. Inappropriate email address

Your email addresses for your resume should be suited for professional use. Most importantly, not having a negative impact on your chance to get shortlisted for the position. Assuming if you don’t have, there is certainly no excuse for you to make one for career purposes.


4. Non-relevant work experiences

If your current resume consists of a list of unrelated jobs, it won’t be wise to include everything. Prioritise and only include the ones that bring more value than the others. For instance, if you are working in a digital marketing field, sharing your work experience in event management may bring more value compared to sharing your experience as a bartender. Leaving out certain jobs from your resume will certainly leave a gap. You should provide an explanation if a question is brought by the interviewer during the interview.


5. Sharing your personal information

It is completely unnecessary to include your personal information for recruiters to know in your resume. Details such as your marital status, your hobbies and interest are one of the many items that you should leave out. Once a recruiter starts to review your resume, there is only a brief moment to capture their interest. Hence every word counts on your resume and not distracting with unnecessary details.


6. Include references in your resume

Most job seekers tend to include references in their resume with contact information. References help you to reinforce your credibility, competency and expertise. Truth is, it is not always essential to include this information. It is better to make use of your space by mentioning far more important details. Unless by any chance if the employer requires you to present your references, it is best to leave it out.

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