6 Job Search Tips for Stay-at-Home Moms and Dads

Planning to get back into your career? Before you start searching for jobs, there are many factors that you need to consider, from researching and preparing your resume and interview, to reaching out to your old networks and creating new ones. Follow these six tips should help you succeed in scoring your first job interview.


1.Search for companies besides going through job lists

It certainly is easier to find jobs in pre-existing lists compared to searching for companies first. Instead of sticking with the conventional job search, try and find the company first followed by the roles. Prioritise on organisations that you want to work in to build more relevancy and knowledge to go through the interview sessions.


2. Get social

Kick start your social media and inform your connections that you want to transition into a 9-5 working mom. Reach out to old friends and colleagues for some recommendations and referrals. By any chance, you are attached to the school’s Parent Teacher Organisation(PTO) you can build your connections there as well.


3. Schedule part of your everyday routine with job search

Set aside at least an hour only for job searching only to free yourself from other distractions. Fully utilise the time that you have set for yourself by utilising job alerts and notifications on job sites. Generally, you can find that most listings are added on weekdays to job sites.


4.Update or prepare your resume and cover letter

Returning back to the workforce especially after a long absence will require time to get back on top of things. If your skills and education are slightly out of touch. Take up online courses or webinars to brush up your skills and include them on your resume. Showcase your experience, education and proficiencies on your resume and cover letter by tailoring them to fit on every position that you are looking to apply.


5. Get into LinkedIn groups

Finding connections and referrals is so much easier by hooking into LinkedIn groups. For instance, are you a business development manager? Look up for relevant business groups and join in to participate. Comment on posts, give feedback and answer questions. There could even be job opportunities that are not openly advertised anywhere else except in the group.


6. Consider working as a contract or part-time work

It takes time to land on a full-time role and if you are urgently looking for a job. You should focus on a contract base or part-time role as well. Despite not being full-time employment, having a temporary job can help you brush up your skills. There is even a possibility for you to convert into a full-time job if you excel in the current position or a stepping stone towards better career advancement. You can even look for community platforms that provide outsource tasks and services such as Airtasker besides searching on part-time job sites.

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You Jing is a content writer who writes career and lifestyle contents to inspire job seekers and employers alike on their journey to work-life balance, empowerment and transformation in their career path.

Reach me at youjing@jobstore.com

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