5 Ways to Improve Your Hiring Process

When it comes to building your business, it’s essential to hire employees who are hard-working, talented, and capable. Often, the candidates that you’re looking to hire are deterred from your company because of simple mistakes that you could be making in the hiring process. Less-qualified candidates are then the ones who you see applying for the job. However, there are a few easy steps that you can take that will help to ease the process and encourage only the best of candidates for the job. To help you, here are 5 things that you can do to improve your hiring


1. Write Better Job Descriptions

Studies have shown that one of the biggest things that deter possible candidates from a job position is the wording of job description. The usual job description is a laundry list of requirements that a person needs to do the job. This deters more qualified individuals because they infer that since that can do more than what the job is asking for, the job is below them. Instead, focus on what you can give to the applicant. Write a short description of the position and then write about how the candidate will benefit from working with you. This attracts smart employees rather than desperate ones. You’ll have much more success in your pool of applicants.


2. Involve Managers in the Hiring Process

One of the best things that you can do is to invite your managers to join you throughout the hiring process. You make a mistake every time you go into an interview one-on-one. The best thing to do is to invite more people to sit in with you. Allow other managers to ask a question to the applicant and then ask them what they thought of the applicant before you make any final decisions. It’s important to see how the team perceives the personalities who are about to join.


3. Look For Employee Recommendations

You trust the employees that you have. You know their personalities, and you’re familiar with their work ethics. Likely, the people who they suggest will be similar to themselves. This is why it’s important to establish an employee referral program for your business. By doing this, employees can refer the people in their networks to open positions in your company. This helps you to cut down time on the hiring process and allows your employees to take part in it.


4. Two-Way Interviews

One of the problems with interviews is that interviews are usually extremely one-sided. You ask all the questions, and the interviewee recites the answers that they have practised many times in fronts of the mirror. This lets the interviewee see what is important to the company and the traits that they need to have, but it doesn’t let you see what’s important to the candidate. Allow the candidate to ask a few questions towards the end of the interview. The questions that they ask reveals a lot about what they are concerned with and the things that they are interested in.
This is important to utilise because it allows you to glimpse concerns that the person might not have revealed to you otherwise.


5. Use “Real” Questions

“If you were a fish, what fish would you be?” These types of questions are inconclusive and area poor way of revealing the personality of the person that you’re interviewing. Some people ask them because they’re a fun way to learn about the person, but most of the time, they confuse the person who you’re interviewing. It often creates tension for the person since there’s no right answer, but there are wrong answers. The right types of questions are “real” questions. This includes questions like, “What is your greatest strength?” or “What did you leave your last
position?” These create real questions with real answers.



When the hiring process goes smoothly, you don’t have to use time and resources searching for the right candidates. Instead, the process becomes easy. You’re able to find people who are perfectly suited for the position and improve your business.

Enjoy reading our article? Connect with Jobstore to start your successful hiring with us.

About the author

Craig Middleton has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing.


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