[Infographic] A Quick Glance at Engineering Jobs in 2019

Merriam-Websters defines engineering as “the application of science and mathematics by which the properties of matters and the sources of energy in nature are made useful to people.”

The engineering field is very broad as there are many specialised fields of engineering. Let’s take a broad overview of the industry and explore what makes engineering career so rewarding.

Why choose Engineering?

The reason why people choose to work in the engineering field is to solve the biggest impact of our problems in the world such as creating clean energy or detecting cancer. As an engineer, everyone is striving to change the world with inventions and solutions that affect human lives.

In order to excel in this field, engineering professionals need to stay up-to-date with the latest news of their respective industry and be the first to determine rising consumer interest. Besides having the opportunity to display creativity skills when tasked with challenges of modern life, engineers must also equip themselves with math, science to design, build and improve all sort of things.

The engineering field is a flexible field that is applicable in various ways. Most of the work conducted is tangible such as buildings, bridges, products, etc, there are some of the things you will cross path every day when they are complete. The pride of having the chance to build something great would give you the satisfaction you need to push your career further.

That being said, engineering jobs have a vast field to explore that comes with a steep learning opportunity, you will never know when the next innovation entails.

Engineering career options

The engineering field is pretty broad ranging from civil, chemical, electrical and mechanical engineering. Other fields include aeronautical, petroleum, environmental and mechatronics are some of the industry that you can explore.

Some of the highest in-demand engineering jobs include:

  • Software Engineer
  • Industrial Engineer
  • Petroleum Engineer
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Alternative Energy Engineer
  • Mining Engineer
  • Project Engineer

How to be successful in engineering?

The first step to developing a career in engineering is to obtain an engineering degree or equivalent professional certifications. Depending on which engineering course you wish to pursue, here are a few examples:

  • Civil engineering
  • Chemical engineering
  • Electrical & electronic engineering
  • Mechanical engineering

If you are looking to improve the quality of your work or you want to better understand how to utilise the resources you have in hand, it is worth to sign up for online courses.

For those who wish to explore a career in engineering, here is an Infographic on everything you need to know about engineering jobs in 2019.

Explore engineering careers in Malaysia

We have more thousands of engineering jobs feature on Jobstore.com. Sign up with us and apply for your dream job today!

Looking for an engineering job? Head over to Jobstore.com and unveil your next job opportunity.

You Jing is a content writer who writes career and lifestyle contents to inspire job seekers and employers alike on their journey to work-life balance, empowerment and transformation in their career path.

Reach me at youjing@jobstore.com

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