Micromanaging: 6 Situations When It Is Acceptable

Every manager has to organize the day-to-day work of their workers in some way to ensure that tasks are done when they should be. But some can go too far and end up micromanaging everything, which can harm the staff.

Unfortunately, giving workers complete control over every part of their jobs is impossible, and sometimes micromanaging is the only or best way to do things. This can be difficult for staff, but if you explain why you are taking on more of their work, you can limit their anger, keep their productivity from dropping, and prevent a lot of staff turnover.

Even though a manager doesn’t need to be on top of every job all the time, there are times when it pays to micromanage, and keeping a closer eye on things could actually be helpful.

Here are 6 situations when micromanaging is acceptable:

1. Periods of uncertainty

Suppose a business is going through a bad time or a period of uncertainty. In that case, it may be important to micromanage your team to ensure everyone knows there is a plan in place to make the organization more stable. If you don’t keep everyone on track, not only will the company lose more money, but people may get scared and start leaving, making things worse for those still there.

In this case, letting your team know the plan is important. This gives them a sense of being in charge of their situation and reduces the negative effects of micromanaging. Set up new systems that let you keep track of work and figure out what needs to be done. Also, make sure there are open forums where you and your staff can talk about problems.

2. Fresh hires

Micromanaging: 6 Situations When It Is AcceptableOne of the most common times when micromanaging might be necessary is when a company hires new people. Many things need to be done to ensure a new employee fits in with the rest of the team and knows their job.

If you give them all their tasks at once and tell them to get to work, they may feel stressed, alone, and in their heads. Instead, you can help new workers settle in and be happy by giving them smaller tasks, checking their progress often, and being there to help.

3. Poor employee behavior

Micromanaging an employee who isn’t performing well, leaving tasks undone, or acting rudely may help. It can let them know they’re not meeting expectations and prevent future misbehavior.

It will also help you decide if their behavior will continue and if you need to regulate and change your management style.

4. Time-sensitive tasks

Micromanaging employees may be necessary to meet project deadlines. To ensure tasks are completed properly, you may need to follow up constantly.

You must monitor time-sensitive initiatives at all times to ensure they’re completed.

5. New tasks

Micromanaging: 6 Situations When It Is AcceptableIf the manager doesn’t help employees adjust to new processes, it can be considerably harder. It’s not enough to just tell people how to do something and let them do it. This can lead to mistakes or people not changing how they work.

Micromanagement can identify issues, standardize procedures, and provide additional training. Ultimately, this could mean that the new methods work much faster.

6. Lots of questions

If employees don’t know what to do, they’ll probably ask their boss many questions. In this case, being micromanaged is the same as asking for help. It is the best way to help employees feel more confident.

Look at:

  • The manner in which you divide their tasks.
  • Specify the number of times you prefer to see them..
  • Determine how their work should be done. 

Answering these questions should help them get back on track and enjoy their career.

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Related article: 10 Mistakes Managers Make That Cause Good People to Leave

Anisa is a writer who focuses on career and lifestyle topics in an effort to motivate both job searchers and employers towards greater fulfillment in their professional lives.

Reach me at anisa@jobstore.com.

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