6 Tips to Deal with Job Search Depression

It’s easy to find a job… said no one, ever.

Finding the right job is stressful, to say the least. You have to deal with rejection letters and awkward interviews. It can be so much that it makes you feel like you have no chance of getting a job. This can lead to depression when looking for a job.

Are you feeling down because you can’t find a job? Don’t know which way to go? Feel like just giving up? You’re not alone.

Job search depression is real, and you shouldn’t ignore it. Stress from looking for a job has been linked to emotional and mental health problems like depression and worry. It doesn’t have to, though.

Let’s look at how to deal with job search depression and keep an upbeat attitude while looking for a job.

Here are 6 tips for coping with job search depression:

1. Make a plan for being turned down.

There are times when you get the job and times you don’t. Either way is fine, but try to come up with a plan that includes learning from the experience and showing yourself kindness.

Have a plan to pick yourself up if you don’t get that dream job you apply for. Instead of feeling hurt, think about what you can learn from the situation.

Follow up and ask the company that turned you down what they thought. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, think about what went wrong and how you can learn from it.

Review the situation and think about it, then plan for your growth.

Look ahead and get excited about those other things you were thinking about.

6 Tips to Deal with Job Search Depression

ALSO READ: 3 Ways to Handle a Career Setback

2. Be organized.

You won’t feel overwhelmed by the job search process if you stay prepared. It will also help you keep track of all your responsibilities and goals.

Make a list of the job postings you’re interested in, including interview times, contact information, and questions you’d like to ask at the interview.

By breaking the job search down into smaller, more doable tasks, you can feel more in charge and less overwhelmed.

3. Manage what you can.

Keeping things in perspective is one of the best ways to deal with job sadness. Remember that your job search will not last forever, even if it takes a while.

Finding a new job doesn’t happen fast. When your job search doesn’t go anywhere, you might feel down. But taking a step back and looking at the problem from a different angle can help make it less about you.

Pay attention to what you can change. Trying to change things you can’t change will drain your energy and make you feel more worried.

Use the power of positive self-talk instead of getting caught up in “what if” thoughts. Pay attention to what you think and feel right now.

4. Ask for help.

Having someone to talk to gives you much-needed mental support while you look for a job. Talk to a friend or family member about what you’re going through and how you feel.

Talk to a job coach or therapist in addition to your friends and family. A skilled job coach can also help you see that what you are going through is normal.

They’ll help you figure out what to do when you don’t know who you are or what to do next.

5. Give yourself some time.

Looking for a job repeatedly can make you feel tired and burned out. Your chances of getting a job won’t improve if you’re afraid and stressed out. And they’re not going to help your mental health in any way.

Don’t forget to give yourself time. Take care of yourself. How you eat, how much sleep you get, and how well you sleep are all important parts of dealing with stress.

6. Think about your work goals again.

It might be time to rethink your work goals if you’re still feeling down about your job search after months or even years.

Ask yourself if the career road you’re on is the right one.

If you’re in the wrong area, you might feel down and disconnected from the job search. A Jobstore guide can help you determine if you’re heading in the right direction.

People who are excited about what they do are more likely to find a job and do well once they do.

Now, get out there and show your job search who’s in charge. Find your dream job on Jobstore.com, download our free mobile app today.

Anisa is a writer who focuses on career and lifestyle topics in an effort to motivate both job searchers and employers towards greater fulfillment in their professional lives.

Reach me at anisa@jobstore.com.

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