
A biochemist is a professional who specialises in studying the composition functions and chemical processes of living organisms. They also analyse various life forms to gain an understanding of how they are affected by chemical reactions and processes. 


A biochemist conducts experiments, records data and studies the functions of the chemical processes and the composition of living organisms. Next, they collaborate with other departments in order for them to design and conduct experiments and analyse findings. Other than that, they also write scholarly articles to share their research and may propose research projects to raise funds. 


We are seeking a skilled biochemist to join our team and contribute to our organisation’s research projects and experiments aimed at gaining a deeper understanding of how chemical processes impact life forms on Earth. 

Firstly, as a biochemist, your responsibilities will involve conducting thorough research, accurately recording and analysing analytical data and providing valuable recommendations based on your findings. Additionally, you may be required to supervise other colleagues such as research assistants. This is so that they can collaborate on software applications and contribute to the design of necessary facilities or equipment. 

Other than working alongside a team of dedicated researchers and assistants, you will actively participate in conducting various research and experimentation tasks aligned with the organisation’s objectives. 

Lastly, join us in unravelling the mysteries of life’s chemical intricacies and making significant contributions to scientific knowledge and advancements.


  • Design and build equipment or facilities for use in experiments or research
  • Prepare and refine chemical compounds for public or medical use
  • Present findings to other people such as students, colleagues or leadership
  • Solve complex problems with materials, technology or processes to improve the overall quality of work or achieve the desired outcome
  • Hire, train, motivate and coach staff members and colleagues


  • Proven work experience as a Biochemist or similar role
  • Familiarity with laboratory testing, data recording practices and safety procedures
  • Strong understanding of scientific concepts and biological processes
  • Ability to train, motivate, coach and lead a team of other researchers and research assistants
  • Excellent problem-solving, verbal and written communication, project and resource management and computer skills
  • Preferred a Bachelor’s degree in biology or chemistry 

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