4 Biggest Job Search Myth

4 Biggest Job Search Myth

There are a lot of job search myths out there that are meant to make you think that the hiring system is rigged. Even though the system is not perfect, it is there to help both sides succeed in their new jobs.

According to Forbes, here are the 4 biggest job search myths that you should know about:

Myth #1: The Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is after you.

As we’ve already said, this is not true. The applicant tracking system is actually there to help you and the interviewer because it helps them keep track of all the applications and sort data into different buckets. This tool is meant to draw attention to the papers that fit the job! So, if you do that before sending your application, you will stand out. The ATS will help you if you enable it.

At the end of the day, the applicant tracking system (ATS) is just a tool recruiters use to make their jobs easier. It is not a Great Wall that stands between you and your goals.

Myth #2: You only need one resume.

Like most things in life, there is no one way to make a resume that works for everyone. Different employers and job postings have different requirements that can’t all be met by a single resume. The best thing to do is to make a base resume with all the most important parts of your work history. Once your base is complete, you can change and tweak your resume for each job.

ALSO READ: Tips for Rescheduling Your Interview (With Examples)

Myth #3: You must include a cover letter.

Cover letters are rarely read. This might not be true for all companies, but it is true for the ones I’ve worked with. This is good news for most of us since writing cover letters is never fun and usually feels weird and forced.

So, instead of writing a general cover letter, take the extra time to learn about the company, tailor your resume to the job, and start talking to people who work there to make a good first impression. You can use our free form here if you still want to show off your skills by writing a cover letter.

Myth #4: Don’t message the recruiter.

Some people like it when you talk to them right away, and some don’t. Recruiters like it when candidates took the lead and told them why they would be a good fit.

Why? Because they were doing my job for me in a way. As recruiters, their main job is to help the hiring manager find different choices. IT’S A WIN whenever they can get someone else to do something for them.

Bust these myths, and then go get a job!

These answers helped you find out what was really true about these myths. Fear and worry are normal when looking for a job. Remember that the system is set up to help you. Do what you can to do the little things well and stand out to get your desired job.

Now go out there and show them what you got! Find your dream job on Jobstore.com, download our free mobile app today.

Anisa is a writer who focuses on career and lifestyle topics in an effort to motivate both job searchers and employers towards greater fulfillment in their professional lives.Reach me at anisa@jobstore.com.


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