Avoid These 6 Body Language Mistakes During Interview

Avoid These 6 Body Language Mistakes During Interview

Avoid These 6 Body Language Mistakes During InterviewBody language is a big part of the conversation because it shows much about how someone thinks, feels, and acts. When someone is being interviewed, their body language can affect how the interviewer sees them and how the conversation goes.

During an interview, a candidate’s words are important. Still, their body language can tell you more about their confidence, honesty, and excitement.

How a candidate moves during an interview can affect how the interviewer sees fit for the job and show how excited they are about it.

In general, body language can greatly affect how an interview goes. People are more likely to make a good impression on the interviewer if they know their body language and can use it to show confidence, energy, and professionalism.

Here are 6 body language mistakes you should avoid during an interview:

1. Avoid eye contact.

Do not look away from the person interviewing you. Eye contact with the speaker shows that you are paying attention and want to talk. But be careful not to stare too hard or not make eye contact at all. Eye contact is the most important body language for a job interview.

2. Lean or slouch too much.

There is no reason to slouch during an interview. You also look too calm when you lean back in your seat too much. Sitting straight shows that you are paying attention and are sure of yourself. If you slouch or lean back too far in your chair, your body language can look like you’re not interested or professional.


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3. Sit too still.

It can help you make your points clearer and more emotional by using motions, but be careful not to make them too big or too small.

4. Put your arms across your chest.

Crossing your arms can make you look harsh or cut off. Don’t cross your arms; let them hang at your sides or rest on the chair’s supports.

5. Fidgeting in your seat.

Doing things like tapping your foot or messing with your hair can indicate that you are worried or can’t concentrate. Stay still and pay attention to what’s being said.

6. Ignoring the interviewer’s body language.

Like the interviewer, you can connect with them by matching their body language, standing, or gesturing similarly.

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