
Want A UK Work Visa? These Five Jobs Are Your Best Chances


1. Engineer


Despite the fact that everyone is talking about AI and ML and data engineers, conventional engineers in sectors like as civil, mechanical, electrical, electronics, and design and development are in high demand in the UK. You will be an eligible applicant for these roles if you have a suitable degree or professional experience. According to Engineering UK, the engineering sector in the United Kingdom is predicted to grow at a 2.7% annual pace between 2022 and 2027.

2. Healthcare Professional


Since COVID, the majority of countries have struggled with a shortage of medical personnel. The Skilled Worker visa programme may allow you to work in the UK if you are a licenced medical professional from another country. For example, a nurse, chemist, home care provider, or care worker. You have a five-year maximum stay and a work permit in the UK with this visa. Furthermore, you may also extend it indefinitely. To be eligible for a skilled worker visa, you must have a job offer from a UK firm that meets the minimum income requirements. You must also possess the necessary training and experience for the role.

3. Jobs at IT

The IT team includes architects, systems designers, and information technology, or IT, business analysts. They collaborate to design, develop, and implement IT solutions that meet the needs of the firm. The job prognosis is good since these occupations are expected to grow as long as firms continue to invest in IT.

Related link: How to find a job in Singapore as a foreigner

4. Actuaries, Economists, and Statisticians


By 2027, this industry will add 12,500 jobs which is equivalent to 4.2%. The retiring workforce will generate an extra 118,900 job opportunities within the same time frame. The task of creating software applications for consumers falls to programmers and software development experts. Software developers are in charge of implementing software applications in the interim. They design, develop, test, and debug computer software.

5. Software Developer and Programmers

Professionals that utilise statistics and mathematics to address problems such as statisticians, actuaries, and economists. They play important roles in the government, banking, insurance, and other sectors of the economy. You should have a solid background in mathematics, statistics, and computer science if you want to work in any of these sectors. You also need to be able to think critically and solve issues. National Career Services predicts a 4.3% growth in employment, or 1,800 new opportunities in this profession by 2027. In light of the predicted 55.3% retirement rate in the workforce, 23,200 employment opportunities will arise throughout that period.

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