5 Career Resolutions to Achieve in 2024

5 Career Resolutions to Achieve in 2024

5 Career Resolutions to Achieve in 2024New year, new beginning. For many of us, the start of a new year is a time to take proactive steps to achieve our next career goals.

Whether it’s wanting to be more disciplined, get promoted or change career paths, everyone has their own goals. Planting some resolutions for the new year can help boost motivation.

Here are 8 new year’s resolutions to improve performance in your career or find a new job!

1. Update your resume

When was the last time you took the time to review your resume? If it’s been a while, take some time to make some changes.

First, review your resume to update and add details. Then, ask someone you trust (such as a career counselor) to review the resume and make improvements.

And don’t forget to tailor your resume to each job you apply for!

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2. Expand your network

A strong network can be the foundation for continued job search success. It’s also important to keep expanding your network to increase prospects. Explore different areas where you can meet new people to add in the network.

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3. Set realistic goals

Setting realistic goals is the key to success in the job search. Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, achievable and relevant. This will help you stay focused and motivated throughout the year.

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4. Learn new skills

Learning new skills can help you stand out from other job seekers. Consider taking an online course or attending a workshop to learn new skills related to your field.

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5. Be open to new opportunities

Sometimes, the best opportunities come when you least expect them. Get out of your comfort zone and be open to new challenges.

Maybe it’s time you try something new instead of staying in the same position for too long.

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