4 Simple Ways to Generate more Leads for your Business

Getting leads to your company is one of the most important strategic moves you can make, to ensure a fruitful fiscal year for your company. It is imperative that during the first few years of existing companies focus on generating leads that will reach the largest amount of people. There are many ways of doing this,  many of them are easy, low in cost, and some are completely free. Below are a few of the best ways to guide more people to your company or product.

Frequently Asked Questions

One of the most basic routes is creating a FAQ page on your company website. This allows possible customers to engage directly with your company to get information about your company’s service or product. Live chats, help centres, and forums are direct engagement where you control what is being put out there. Moderators on forums can help dissect problems without it turning into a complaint or negative review and live chats can handle situations with ease and help the customer in real-time.


4 Simple Ways to Generate more Leads for your Business

New Technology

Twenty years ago, you had to log on to old dial-up internet to access your computer. The graphics were minimal, and if anyone called your house, you get disconnected immediately. Placing advertisements and information online didn’t do much back then. Now nearly everyone has access to the Internet via their mobile devices. Most people check their email on their phone, view ads and commercials during Youtube videos, and see reviews through Google. Investing in media that works with smartphones is a must in this day and age.


Using Social Media

Social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram are an integral part of connecting with a large group of people all at once. Use Twitter and Instagram to find potential leads with influencers that are interested in collaboration and promote your company or brand. Search through tags of people and influencers that will fit your desired niche that runs parallel with your company for maximum exposure. Having a social media influencer to back your product is one of the biggest ways to get massive exposure and recognition from the people you’re looking to sell to.

LinkedIn is another popular social media platform that is strictly for finding new jobs, recruiting, and sharing information. Like Facebook, you’re able to post pictures, information, releases, celebrations and even quiz to share with your followers. Connect with potential leads and find people with experience that you’d like to come work for you.


Guest Blogging

These types of blogs are incredibly useful if they’re done correctly. You can publish insightful and entertaining contents that line up with your company to attract readers to click on your company’s webpage link. For example, if you run a home and gardening company, you can write blog articles about new bulbs for the season. You can be informative, engaging, and provide a link to your company that coincides with the article.

Generating leads for your company in a day and age where the internet connects us to people all over the world is a blessing. There are so many tools at your disposal that aren’t just paper advertisements or television commercials. Using the tools properly and having excellent lead management skills will help propel your company up in status and continue to pull in new customers. 


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About the author

Craig Middleton has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing.


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