International Women's Day: 5 Ways to Honor Women Staff

International Women’s Day: 5 Ways to Honor Women Staff

International Women's Day: 5 Ways to Honor Women StaffEvery year on 8 March, the globe observes International Women’s Day (IWD), a day dedicated to celebrating and promoting women’s equality and rights. Businesses are honoring International Women’s Day (IDW) creatively. Do you need help with ideas for your celebration?

We’re providing 5 alternative ways that businesses of all sizes may commemorate International Women’s Day 2024, highlighting women’s accomplishments, bringing attention to bias, and taking action for equality, to get you inspired.

The official IWD website states that #InspireInclusion is the theme for this year. We hope this will inspire you as you organize your business’s Friday, 8 March festivities.

1. Organize online panel discussions or urge employees to participate

Getting inspired to act is facilitated by hearing from women who have already walked this route about their experiences, wisdom, and professional guidance. There are many fantastic online events with impressive speaker lineups scheduled for International Women’s Day this year since most events will be held remotely rather than in person.

While organizing your company’s celebrations, look into some fascinating events in your sector or neighborhood and get your employees to sign up. Therefore, the International Women’s Day Event Showcase Page is a fantastic place to start, as it allows you to peruse a wide range of events listed with excellent speakers worldwide.

2. Host a coffee morning in virtual form to honor your female staff members.

One easy virtual get-together you can use on IWD to reconnect and catch up with coworkers is a virtual coffee morning. Introduce this year’s subject, #Inspireinclusion, and invite everyone to share their stories about a female public figure or inspirational woman.

3. Express gratitude

We frequently overlook the power a simple “thank you” may have on others. Therefore, this is a great moment to acknowledge and express gratitude to the ladies who work hard and are loyal to your team or organization. Eventually, the little things add up and support the larger movement toward workplace gender equality. Therefore, thought and sincerity count, whether a thank-you letter for your staff or just an email or Zoom call (like nearly everything today).

4. Make use of the IWD free tools

Look through the selection of IWD tools and resources to assist you in embracing equity and hosting an International Women’s Day celebration for your organization. If you’re organizing an event, we suggest looking through the event pack resources and the social media cards for your campaigns or browsing what others are doing in order to get some fantastic ideas.

5. Evaluate your policy for women workers

The majority of the ideas we have provided thus far are more immediate, do-it-now suggestions, but we must remember that the long term is ultimately what counts. Although these initiatives highlight the need to empower women, promoting a mental shift is of the utmost importance.

You are crucial in this as HR, and you can do your part to guarantee gender pay parity in your company by advocating for improved pay structures and also more women in C-suite leadership roles. While gender parity is still far off, you may contribute to turning the tide.


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