How Working Parents Maintain Work-Life Balance

Working parents do not have it easy. Step into their world to find out how they…

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Transferable Skills That Will Help You Get Hired

Here are the transferable skills that employers really look for in a potential candidate.

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Turn Up The Tunes: Ultimate Work Music Playlists (headphones required)

Ready to tune out distractions at the office? Get your headphones ready and click in for…

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You’ll Never Look at Hoteliers the Same After Reading This

Explore what really goes behind the scenes of a life of a hotel staff.

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These One-size-fits-all Digital Resumes Will Make You Stand Out

Tired of not hearing back from your potential employers? These digital resumes will make your job…

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Answer Guide: What Are Your Strengths and Weaknesses?

Read this guide to mastering the strength-and-weakness question and ace your next job interview.

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Why are You Still Unemployed

It's not an impossible mission to break out of the vicious cycle of being unemployed. Read…

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Engineer Jobs in Malaysia

Explore your career in the Engineering industry, here are the top 7 most in-demand engineer jobs…

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How to Achieve an All-star LinkedIn Profile for Your Next Job

Do you have what it takes to rock the LinkedIn All-star profile status?

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Careers at Uber: Building Something Big Together

Find out what makes Uber the most sought-after 'unicorn' for job seekers. Better yet, they are…

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What’s Next for Job Seekers in 2017?

Are you ready to make the next career move in 2017? Here's what you need to…

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How to Nail a Job Interview? Ask these 4 Questions

Want to know how to nail a job interview by interviewing your employer? Here are 4…

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Featured Company of  the Week: 7-Eleven Malaysia

With more than 1000 stores nationwide, 7-Eleven is currently the largest convenience store chain in Malaysia…

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