Low-skilled and semi-skilled workers earn equal salary

Low-skilled and semi-skilled workers earn equal salary

According to the data, semi-skilled workers earn the same salary as low-skilled workers, said Human Resources…

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Embedded Software Engineer Job Description Template

Embedded Software Engineer Job Description Template

We are looking for a professional Embedded Software Engineer to execute a complete embedded software development…

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5 Tips for Asking for a Raise

Most people feel uncomfortable just thinking about asking their boss for a raise. If your company…

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6 Ways to Negotiate a Fair Salary

Have you ever quickly regretted accepting a job when you found out they are not paying…

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Malaysian employers expecting to increase salaries by 2.8% in 2022: survey

According to the latest survey, Malaysian employers said they expect salaries to increase about 2.8% in…

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7 Questions to Ask When Negotiating Salary

Equip yourself with the right questions to amp up your negotiating skills so you can remove…

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10 Red Flags to Look Out for in Job Descriptions

Here is a list of red flags that you should be aware of before deciding to…

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7 Easy Steps to Find Jobs in Malaysia As A Foreigner

Finding and getting a job can be a challenging process as a foreigner.

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10 Ways on How To Answer Why Did You Leave Your Current Job

Recruiters are known to ask about these particular question to get a sense about you personally…

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Top 9 Companies Offering RM100,000+ Annual Salary Jobs

Searching for a job with a bigger paycheck this month?

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How To Structure Pay For Employees

You might be surprised to learn that choosing how much you are going to pay a…

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How Much Can You Earn In Logistics Services?

New opportunities are constantly opening in logistics. This doesn’t come without a corresponding financial implication.

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Reasons You Should Consider Taking a Lower Salary Job

Low salary pay isn't always a bad thing if the company offers exceptional perks and benefits…

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Tips for Determining the Best Bonuses for Employee Motivation

Motivating your employees is one of the most important things you can do as a business…

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