Innate Talent vs Hard Work: Which one do recruiters prefer?

Innate Talent vs Hard Work: Which one do recruiters prefer?

According to Professor Dai, the findings show how job seekers and recruiters differ in how much…

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10 Of The Best Skills To Put On A Resume

10 Of The Best Skills To Put On A Resume

While you can often easily determine hard skills to list based on details in a job…

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3 Great Reasons to Work Outside Your Field

When we finish college, we hope that the job fairy will give us a high-paying job…

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5 Skills Malaysian Employers Look For in 2023

At the beginning of 2020, the Covid-19 spread hurt the economies of countries worldwide, including Malaysia.…

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Guide to Writing A Cover Letter With No Work Experience

Check out these tips to find success in getting a job interview, even with little or…

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4 Tips to Customise Your CV for the Job

Follow these essential tips to tailor your CV to any jobs you apply online.

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Career Paths in Software Development

Here's what the career path looks like for those who venture into Software Development.

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What Is An Objective Statement On A Resume?

A resume objective is a short statement that outlines your career direction but is it worth…

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Employer Hiring Tips During and After MCO

Here are six hiring tips to improve your employee recruitment efforts during and after the MCO…

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10 Benefits of a Multi-Generational Team

Adopting a multigenerational workforce leverages the skills of each generation to develop a more efficient workforce.

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10 Tips On How to Become the Person Companies Want to Hire in 2020

Here are some quick and simple ways make yourself stand out to get hire easily.

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4 Fears You Should Overcome When Accepting A New Job Offer

These are the factors that you need to overcome and how to achieve it if you…

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4 Simple Tips For Sending Emails to Recruiters

Learn how to send job search email, so it's easy for recruiters to get in touch…

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Resumes, Cover Letters and CVs Action Verb Reference

A great  resume needs strong language, which means using the right action verbs.

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7 Easy Steps to Find Jobs in Malaysia As A Foreigner

Finding and getting a job can be a challenging process as a foreigner.

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